Good Day, Meetpastordan Reader… When I look at #400, all I can do is smile from ear to ear and shake my head. If anyone would have suggested eight years ago that there might be a #100 blog, I would have laughed at them. In fact, when Jason and I were meeting to layout my website, he mentioned on two separate occasions that it should have a blog-tab, to which I replied, “I’m not a writer; I don’t even like to write.” Well, in retrospect, I would like to thank Jason for dangling this temptation right in front of me, because he opened up a new vista that I most likely would never have discovered. Now, in the interest of full disclosure, I would like to be the first, and I invite others who might want to endorse this proclamation, to join me in declaring with a clarion voice: “I am not, nor do I ever consider myself to be, a writer!”  What I have learned to do in this process is to tap into my source of strength, and I’ve found a template that works for me. Also, I’ve been gifted with the best proof-reader ever, Danie Moore, who has kept me respectable for the past five years.  Thank You, Thank You, Ms. Danie!

No offense, but since it’s my celebration party, I would like to talk about the evolution of meetpastordan.com. I love this outlet now, because this has become my pulpit. Once I had the blog-tab, I decided I would use it for sending out selected scriptures weekly. But in a very short time, I wanted to expand the usage, so I decided to write to alcoholics and addicts who might be struggling with the 12 Step program. I am a product of that recovery process, and I credit it for saving my life. I understand the challenges inherent in that journey, and I love to share my experience, strength and hope with others. That has always been a fulfilling endeavor. (For more detailed information, visit my website at meetpastordan.com.)

Following that initial period, I shifted my focus to the Gospel of Grace. I was exposed to that message for the first time in 2002, and from that point forward, I was committed to presenting that same “Good News” in all of its splendor! Realizing the impact that truth was having on me, I couldn’t wait to share it with others who might be mired in the same “sea of lies” that led me deeper and deeper into the world of darkness.  Therefore, I first decided to write to unbelievers, since I was part of that ilk for the first fifty-five years of my life. Today, I find myself particularly saddened by this truth expressed in Hosea, 4:6: “People are destroyed because they don’t know Me.” “Romans 3:6 fans the flames of that tragedy: “For the wages of sin is death…BUT the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord!”  (I love the “BUT’s” that are so prevalent in God’s promises.) 😊

As I matured in my own walk with Jesus, I was drawn to addressing the challenges that everyone faces in this phase of our journey. This time can be a shock for those who thought that when they accepted Jesus as their Lord, their lives would immediately be more joyful, harmonious, prosperous, and filled with peace and serenity. No doubt, all of those gifts are indeed attainable, and 2 Peter 1:2, 4 spells out this process quite clearly: “The more we grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ, His divine power gives us everything (not some things, not many things, BUT EVERYTHING) we need for living a Godly life. And because of His glory and excellence, He has given us great and precious promises that enable us to escape the decadence of the world around us.” This process is described with one churchy-word: “Sanctification”, which means “becoming more Christ-like ourselves.” This is a never-ending process for all Christ-followers, but it is through this process that we begin experiencing the “great and precious promises” referenced above. Sounds easy, right? Well, let me clue you in on some important information.

Before you were in-Christ, you were part of the dark domain. You were born into it; you didn’t ask for it, and you didn’t even know it was the dark domain. Therefore, you just followed the natural course of events. For instance, the very first thing you, and all new arrivals (babies) experienced, was an awareness of “self”. Since we all have natural needs such as hunger, a desire for comfort, a desire for pleasure, and a need for security, as those needs are met, we begin developing patterns of behavior that are designed to fulfill our “self-centered” desires.

Here is the reason I used this example. God’s plan from the beginning was to fulfill all of man’s needs, and that was the pattern set forth in the Garden of Eden. But, as we know, Paradise came to an end when “Sin” entered the world. Satan, our enemy, deceived the first two inhabitants in the Garden by seducing them with this lie: (Satan) “Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from the trees in the garden? (Eve) Of course we may eat from the trees in the garden. It’s only the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden (commonly referred to as the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil) that we are not allowed to eat. If we eat from it, or even touch it, we will die. (Satan) You won’t die! God knows your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat from it, and you will be like God, knowing both good and evil.” (In other words, YOU can be your own god.)

That is still Satan’s favorite lie, but today he speaks it through the world. “Hey! Trust the world; WE will meet your need for “significance”; it is founded on performance + accomplishments; or your need for “security”, it is founded on status + recognition; or your need for “acceptance”, it is founded on appearance + admiration.” The world’s offerings always exalts YOU, but that should come as no surprise because Satan is the puppeteer behind the scenes, and his ploy is to keep you separated from becoming more Christ-like. In fact, that is the very definition of “Sin”; being separated from God’s Will for your life. (FYI: this spelling (small case) of “sin” is the behavior that results from being separated from God’s Will)

Make no mistake, when you make the decision to break free from the bondage of the dark domain and move into the light, YOU now have a target on your back. Prior to this awakening, Satan had you in the palm of his hand; you were just unaware of it. But now, your enemy will unleash a barrage of lies, accusations, doubts, and fears on you that is designed to cripple your walk with Jesus, and he is the master at his deceit. However, don’t let that dissuade you, because Jesus gave us these powerful words of hope in John 16:33: “In this world you will have trials and tribulations. BUT fear not, for I have overcome the world.” This is how that translates for us: Because we are in Christ, WE TOO have overcome the world! That IS a promise from the Lord, God Almighty!

Today, I live a life that is happy, joyous and free! I’ve been on both sides of the fence, and I gotta tell ya, nothing has ever fulfilled my needs like my personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I had a wonderful career in music, and the memories and friends from that era are firmly embedded in my mind. But, to be perfectly honest, my priorities and motivations at that time were not always pure.  I loved what I did and I loved the people in my life, but self-centeredness clouded my decision making.

Here is THE TRUTH: God is a God of love, mercy and grace. In looking back, I can see His hand at work in my life many times; I was just a slow responder. Luckily, He never gave up on me. Therefore, since He gave me a second, third, tenth, twentieth opportunity to come home, I would like to offer you the same opportunity. So, I encourage you to be smarter thatn I was. Please, please, please…Don’t put “The Best” off until later. This was what I believe was my moment of surrender: “God, I don’t know if You’re there or not, but if You are, please help me. I know I can’t stop drinkin’ or druggin’ without You. So, if You’re there, please help me.”

Obviously, you don’t have to be an orator to get God’s attention. Go for it; take the plunge!  Your new life can take you places that you would have never dreamed possible!

Please feel free to respond to this posting, and please share it with other social media friends.

May God Bless you all…

Dan Presgrave (a.k.a. Pastor Dan)     (God willing, I’ll be back for another hundred) 😉






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