Meet Pastor Dan

Pam_&_Dan[1]Simply put, I experienced a miracle. (I hope you will not stop reading at this point.  I assure you I am not some crazy whacko or some religious zealot!)  The reality is, if anyone would have asked me at that time if I believed in miracles, I would have said, “Are you crazy?  Absolutely not!” How could I believe in miracles when I wasn’t even sure I believed in God?  But what I could not deny was that something profound happened to me that was way outside my paradigm of rational thinking, and I could not rest until I found answers to the baffling questions… why? and how?

And what was that miracle?   I had been an alcoholic for 35+ years. (Don’t worry…my intent here is not to present a “drunkalogue.” That is not important in this setting, but trust me when I say I portrayed all the idiocy, self-centeredness and every “ism” associated with the insidious addiction to alcohol.)  The second day I attended an AA meeting I met my sponsor (Mike) who, after talking with me, directed me to go home, get down on my knees and ask God to do for do for me what he knew I could not do for myself. (I believe I heard such enlightening terms as “too much arrogance” and “not enough humility.” Was he talking about ME?  I couldn’t believe it!)  I thought his was the craziest advice I had ever heard!!  I had NO intention of doing what he asked, but when I got home I couldn’t resist assuming the prescribed position. For the first time after a long drought this broken man offered up a feeble, un-ceremonious prayer resembling: “God…if you’re there, please help me stop drinking.  I know I can’t do it without your help” That event took place April 21, 2000 and I haven’t had a drop of alcohol since that date.

Bear in mind I had proven to myself during the previous three decades that I was incapable of doing anything like that based on my own effort. I tried to stop drinking on numerous occasions only to fail time and time again, and then I was tormented with the inevitable self-loathing!  This time, however, I knew it was different!  Not only was I not drinking, but even more amazing… I wasn’t thinking about drinking!!   Befuddled as I was, I was by no means ready to say I thought it was God… but I also knew it wasn’t me! That experience opened my mind to the possibility of “what if” and the incredible journey to search for answers began.

How it happened:

I surmised the impetus for this unexplainable happening had spiritual roots.  I wasn’t sure exactly what that meant, but it prompted me to explore various religious beliefs.  About two years into this period of exploration I was invited by a friend I met in recovery to attend his church.  He said he found something very powerful there and perhaps I too would find the answer that I was searching for. I accepted his invitation and was over-whelmed by the message I heard that day.   That inspired me to get a Bible – the Life Recovery Bible (NLT) and start reading.  I knew what I had heard that awe-inspiring day; in fact, it was indelibly impressed on my mind! But I wanted to see the words in print to satisfy myself that the message delivered had in no way been exaggerated.  I was satisfied with my findings… and also immediately hooked.

I joined Bible studies; engaged spiritual mentors; joined small study groups and became a veracious reader.  In short, I became obsessed with finding answers. In the gospel of John, 8:32 Jesus said, “If you follow my teachings you will know the truth and the truth will set you free”.  That very scripture is my story.  I continued this enlightening (and challenging) journey and in 2003 I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.  I knew I had found the truth!  I also remember specifically saying at the time, “Jesus, I am looking forward to being your good and faithful servant, but I want to be of maximum service to you!   He definitely heard me!!

Who I am today:

The whole journey was an eight year process and it culminated with me becoming an ordained pastor at Discovery Church in St. Peters, MO. in 2008.  In that capacity I serve as Director of Pastoral Care at the church which includes officiating marriages, teaching classes and working with people struggling with life issues, grief issues, relationship issues, addictive issues etc. I am a certified pastoral counselor through the American Association of Christians Counselors with advanced certification in Addiction and Recovery.   I am also a trained Stephen Minister.

Why I do what I do:

Today I know without a shadow of doubt that I was called to the ministry to help set others free from bondages that keep them mired in guilt, shame and remorse.  That existence can suck the very life out of a person.  How do I know that?  Because I was that person in bondage!  The truth that set me free was coming to know that most definitely was not God’s plan for my life! Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10 NKJV).

The Value of ME! (Ref. The Value of Me TAB above ) is a program based on solid Biblical principles that is designed to provide a systematic approach to finding the pathway to both freedom and  to the abundant life referenced above.   This approach has been used by this author for the past seven years and has produced successful results whether dealing with relationship issues, over-eating, compulsive shopping, anger issues, gambling addiction, pornography addiction, or substance abuse.  The purpose of this approach is to change the person from the inside out, meaning the design is not just to deal with the symptom, but to deal with the root cause.  I have seen doubt, fear, guilt, shame and remorse give way to confidence, courage, joy and a zest for life! 

If one is committed to participating in the process inherent in this approach, one can absolutely expect to change their life.  With this life-transformation also comes a new perspective on The Value of MEand a second chance at life….and who doesn’t want a second chance at life?

Click Here To Learn More About The Value of ME! Program