Good Morning, Meetpastordan Readers…This blog has been rattling around in my head for a few weeks now, but I have been waiting for clarity of approach before I put my hands on the keyboard. What I want to write about is straight from my heart, so I don’t want to get ahead of my source of strength, courage and understanding. But today I believe this is the right time for me to take the plunge in an attempt to bring hope to the hopeless and light to dispel the prevailing darkness.

For years I have been a news junkie. I have always enjoyed keeping up with the latest goings-on in my country, my state, and my hometown. But even more than just keeping up, I have looked for ways in which I could contribute positively to a successful outcome.  Thankfully I have been able to use this blog as my means of accomplishing that stated purpose. But rather than trying to add another “latest and greatest idea” or “brilliant insight”, my purpose has been to stand on the truth of a timeless message; a message that history has proven to be unmistakable and unshakable.

I love my country! Even with its shortcomings and mistakes along the way, I believe America is the greatest country the world has ever seen. But unfortunately, America today is a far cry from the Greatest Generation (those who grew up during the Great Depression and came of age to fight in World War II, or those whose labor helped win that war.) That was a time when there was unity of purpose and a desire to make America great; that was a time of patriotism and sacrifice. Our country sorely lacks those qualities today.

I have reflected many times on the Scripture found in Matthew 23:37-38: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones God’s messengers… And now look; your house is left to you, empty and desolate.” Prior to this lament by Jesus, He had just rebuked the leaders of His day for their hypocrisy, self-centeredness, ego-driven agendas, lack of compassion for others, corruption, and lawlessness.  As you reflect on that last sentence, do you see any of those characteristics displayed in our current political raucous?  Today when I look at the pathetic state of what was once “the land of the free and the home of the brave”, I too weep for my country.

I have written many times about what I perceive to be an evil agenda that has been gaining popularity in our culture. I have referred to this agenda as the Liberal Progressive Agenda (LPA). For the past few decades this insidious movement has been festering in our country, progressing at a patient, methodical pace, but with a very clear goal in mind – to fundamentally transform America. The very heart and soul of this movement is the unmitigated desire for power and control.

Therefore, an integral part of achieving their goal has been the decimation of many of the fundamental pillars that have previously defined our culture.  Targets of assault are: the traditional family structure, religious freedom, casting doubt on the stability of our founding documents (the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights), a concerted attempt to divide rather than unite people, challenging and rewriting our country’s history, challenging and diminishing the effect of laws and law enforcement. Two characteristics that define this movement are the willingness to do whatever it takes to silence the opposition, regardless of the collateral damage, and the exaltation of human thinking and worldly philosophy over the truth of God’s Word.

The seat of this all-important power structure will be a big government that will eventually become not only our provider, but our god. And what will certainly become evident is the driving force that has been behind this silent coup; that is the liberal elite, the media and the entertainment industry working in tandem with the LPA to disseminate their propaganda in order to numb down and dumb down our society. If this agenda is allowed to succeed, we too will discover, albeit too late, that our own house has been left empty and desolate.

In my previous blogs that have begun with a similar exposition, I had gone on to present and contrast the political platforms of both parties. Then I encouraged you to educate yourselves before going to the polls. But today I have a different ending for what seems like a cultural black hole. I have listened to the hate-filled rhetoric and the name-calling; I have witnessed the frenzy of finger-pointing and accusations; I have heard lie after lie. Today, I, like Apostle Paul, put no confidence in human effort to solve the myriad of issues that have left us shrouded in darkness. I believe the malaise that defines our culture today is way beyond human effort, as supported by the epic words of Albert Einstein, “You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created the problem.”

Throughout the Bible (and world history books), the fall of civilizations have had common elements.  The big three are the desire for wealth, power and control. It all started with Satan’s rebellion in heaven.  He became envious of God’s power, so he amassed his own army of rogue angels and challenged God’s authority.  The result of that failed attempt was banishment from Paradise.  That pattern has continued throughout the Bible, and can be substantiated by secular history books. When people and cultures are in line with God’s will, they are blessed, they prosper, and they flourish. (America has been an example of those blessings when the focus was on answering our call, which was to be that shining light on a hill for all to see. We were the example of freedom and democracy.)  However, when people and cultures are out of line with God’s will, fire and brimstone, plagues, famines, pestilence, wars, horrific natural disasters, strife and suffering usually follow.

America today is a country that has lost its direction. Expunging God from our midst has left us without a defining moral compass, and it shows in every aspect of our society. Here are some staggering statistics to back up that last statement: the divorce rate today is the highest ever; we have a suicide rate that is sky-rocketing; addictions are off the charts; depression and anxiety are at epidemic proportions, and STD rates are on the rise. Yet the liberal, secular thinking that has set itself up as the new norm tells us that we are free to make our own moral judgements; we don’t need to answer to a higher authority. In fact, we can be our own god! (hum…isn’t that the same lie the serpent used to deceive Eve in the Garden?) When you look at the insanity that is so prevalent in our culture today (not clinically speaking, but culturally speaking), what you see, and what you are experiencing is man’s best effort at playing god.  As you can plainly see, the human elements of hatred, anger, fear, distrust, jealousy, greed, lying, deception, anxiety, etc. are certainly contrary to the love, forgiveness, mercy, grace and blessings of the one true God!

Right now there is a culture war in our country. The LPA is fanning the flames of secularism and socialism; the other side (party?) wants something, but who knows for sure what that “something” is? The unanswered question that looms heavily in the minds of everybody is, “Does either side (party?) really care about “we the people?” For years we have heard empty promises from political leaders, but clearly, agendas have taken precedent over constituents.  So, what can we count on? What can we believe in? Who can we trust?  The good news is…I have the definitive answer.

I am part of the intercessory prayer movement at Grace Church St. Louis.  Pastor Ron Tucker has been the driving force behind this assembly, and our primary purpose, along with many other churches across the country, is to pray for revelation in the minds and hearts of those who do not know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. This is not about promoting any particular religious doctrine; this is about hearing and experiencing the transforming power of God’s Word. His word is Truth; His word is Life!

Sin is the dilemma that has kept Man separated from God.  Man’s nature, his human nature, is to live with the focus on self rather than on God. (In fact, that is the very definition of Sin.) God gave Man from Creation until 2019 years ago to try to overcome the sin-issue through his own effort. Romans 5:6 tells how he fared: “When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time to die for us sinners.”  Utterly helpless is quite an inditement. Clearly, we proved ourselves unable to overcome the issue of sin through our own effort.

Ephesians 1:4-5 tells us, “Long ago, even before He created the world (and Man), God found us acceptable and holy in His sight because we are in Christ. His plan was always to adopt us into His own family through Jesus Christ, and this gave Him great pleasure.” In other words, God’s plan, even before He created us, was to eventually send a Savior to save us from ourselves. This is called the Gift of Grace, because we did not deserve it, nor did we earn it. It is a gift from a loving Father who wants to provide a way for everyone to be savedAll we have to do is accept His Gift of Grace. What an example of unconditional love, unending love, and unfailing love!  God doesn’t want to lose even one of His creations to eternal damnation.

Today’s lost culture is morally and spiritually bankrupt!  Allow me to once again spotlight Einstein’s accurate assessment, “You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created the problem.”   We have drifted away from our Judeo-Christian roots and have championed secularism. With this has come the exaltation of human wisdom, while at the same time marginalizing and ridiculing the timeless truths of God’s Word. So how has that worked out? Well…you’re living in the pathetic result of that mind-set. This clearly cannot be solved through politics, because politics has proven itself to be self-serving and corrupt. This is not a political problem!  This is a spiritual problem that needs a spiritual solution.

The intercessory prayer movement I mentioned earlier is spreading this truth across the country with the intent of bringing forth another grace-awakening. This is the powerful message of God’s love, His mercy and grace, and His forgiveness. This message is the pathway, not only to eternal life, but the source of our courage, strength, confidence, peace, serenity, and joy… right here, right now!  It’s everything we’ve longed for, but unfortunately, we have been looking in all the wrong places. A change of minds and hearts in our culture is the answer. It’s time to invite the one true God back into our midst!

Feel free to respond to this message, and please “like” and share it with other social media friends.

May God Bless Ya..

Dan Presgrave (a.k.a. Pastor Dan)

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