Good Morning, Meetpastordan Readers…Wow!  Wow!  Wow!  I’m still reeling and filled with joy as a result of last week’s election victory.  According to the statistics I reviewed, in 2012 when Romney ran against Obama, twenty-four million (24,000,000 for the visual impact) Evangelicals decided to sit- out that election because they didn’t like the candidate.   This time around, 81% (I also saw 85% and 86%, but just taking the smallest number), Evangelicals increased the voting power by 19,440,000.  Don’t ever think we have a voice that doesn’t count or can’t be heard!

I want to thank Franklin Graham for his nation-wide tour to make Christians aware of the importance of voting in this election.  Then I want to thank Kirk Cameron for his outstanding effort in “Revive Us”, a live Revival in Chicago that was telecast to one thousand theaters across the nation, with two encore performances.  This also centered on the importance of the election.  Then I want to thank Dr. Ben Carson for his tireless effort through “My Faith Votes” and their live-stream broadcast, also calling on Christians to make their pilgrimage to the ballot box. And at the local level I want to thank all the churches – thousands of them – that provided intercessory prayer for our country.  I know Grace Church-St. Louis participated in that endeavor, and I had the privilege of being part of those Spirit-filled events.

And what resulted from that effort was the truth found in 2 Chronicles 7:14 coming to life right before our very eyes:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will heal their land.”  We, His people, did humble ourselves and pray, and we did seek his intervention in this election.  And God showed his faithfulness by showing up and fulfilling his promise to us.  Now we have the opportunity to begin healing our land.  And make no mistake about this reality, my Friends; the election is over, but the battle is just beginning.

Throughout the Old Testament there is a constant restatement of the same theme.  Israel has fallen from God’s favor, and He is angry with them.  They have drifted away from his law and are bowing down to false idols and participating in pagan revelry. God speaks to them through a Prophet and tells them quite graphically what they can expect if they don’t return to him; wars, bondage, pestilence, floods, droughts, famine, and plagues. Yet…if His chosen people will repent and turn from their wicked ways, he promises to forgive their sins and to bless them abundantly.  That is the loving, merciful, and grace-filled God we serve, and that same offer is still on the table for our country today.  We are to learn from the stories in the Old Testament and apply those truths to our circumstances.

I would hope our first endeavor would be to impact our culture in a positive way, because I don’t think any of us would deny that our culture is morally and spiritually bankrupt.  I am going to provide two links that highlight that statement and emphasizes our challenge. (you may need to copy this to your browser)

One reason our culture is in the shape it is in is because of efforts of the ACLU to assault the very foundation of Christianity, as so clearly stated in the first link above.  Besides what you saw in that link, they never miss a chance to confiscate Bibles (from the military or from hotel rooms), or to call for the removal of religious symbols (crosses from national cemeteries) or Christmas decorations from public squares.

The second link reveals the negative impact of rap music on our culture when every other word is F*** this or that, and when the words demean women and glorify violence and the killing of cops. This clip is at a Hillary rally in Cleveland, Ohio.  The hypocrisy of the Liberal Progressive Agenda is nothing short of mind-boggling!  (Sorry…I couldn’t help myself.  🙂

But, I don’t want to drift too far from the original intent of today’s blog, which is basking in the glory of the election result.  Therefore, I’ll move back to the power of the voice that had such a tremendous impact on the election.  A lady at church said to me yesterday, “I think God is giving our country a second chance”, and I certainly agreed with her.  No doubt our country has not yet repented for drifting away from God’s will, but now that the voice of God-fearing Christians has been heard, I am praying that we boldly keep it resounding against the likes of the efforts above.  I believe we (the Church) have to be even more committed to promoting the glory of Christianity then the opposition is to demeaning our belief.

I can foresee in the near future the end of political correctness and the desire to once again stand on truth.  I think history has shown us that whenever God’s Word and His principles are compromised, there is social chaos.  No doubt we are witnessing that effect right now, but very soon we will have the opportunity to point our country in a new direction.  I believe the voice of the Christian community can be instrumental in shaping that new direction IF we don’t become complacent and recede into what had become our comfort zone.  To that end I would suggest that we keep praying for wisdom, strength and courage!  A new era is awaiting our input.

I would like to close with this thought-provoking quote for your personal meditation.

“On 9/11 people were asking, ‘Where was God?’” “Where was God?” I said, surprised by the question. “We drove Him out of our schools, out of our government, out of our media, out of our culture, out of our public square. We drove Him out of our national life, and then we ask, ‘Where is God?
― Jonathan CahnThe Harbinger: The ancient mystery that holds the secret of America’s future

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May God bless Ya…

Dan Presgrave (a.k.a. Pastor Dan)

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