Good Morning, Meetpastordan Readers…I would be surprised if most of you reading this blog have not encountered some form of this question.  It is becoming a favored response today when someone’s ideas or values are called into question. And more often than not, it’s the prelude to a follow-up statement as to why they believe they should be able to act with impunity. “Well, my truth is different from your truth”, or “Oh, come on…truth changes as the culture changes. It’s important to keep up with the latest trends.” Well, all of that sounds “pretty hip” and innocuous enough, but the fact is, without guidelines for life, that kind of unbridled freedom can lead to depression, anxiety and a whole host of psychosomatic illnesses. “And why is that?” you ask. Because freedom without discipline is a ticking timebomb; just ask any addict, alcoholic, victim of an unwanted pregnancy, or perpetrator of a violent crime.

Since this attitude is becoming more widely espoused by today’s culture, let’s look at the definition of the word “truth”?  I’ll turn to Merriam-Webster for the answer. “It is the quality of being true, as (A) Conformity to a fact or reality; exact accordance with that which is, or has been, or will be. (B) Conformity to a rule; exactness”. When we compare this definition with the mindset of a liberal/progressive (L/P) thinker, the stark contrast is undeniable. Truth, as we have known and valued it, is like a straight-jacket to the L/P thinker. It represents the old, the traditional, and it flies in the face of the newest, latest and greatest “enlightened advances” professed by the “intelligentsia.” (“intelligencia” would also be appropriate here…😊)

Since the Liberal Progressive Agenda (LPA) seems to have gained traction in our culture during the past decade, its first order of business has been aimed at chip, chip, chipping away at traditions and values that have previously defined our great country. Targets of assault have been the traditional family structure, religious freedom, gender identity, casting doubt on the stability and relevance of our founding documents (the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution), a concerted attempt to divide rather than unite people, rewriting our country’s history, using the educational system to indoctrinate rather than educate, and challenging in order to diminish the effect of laws and law enforcement. This has been playing out right before our very eyes in the political arena and in social media, but with complicit support from the news media and the entertainment industry.  It’s all about changing what we (the people) think of as “normal”, and numbing and dumbing us down is an essential part of the LPA strategy.

No doubt the changes in social mores, such as civility, honor, respect, values and morality, have adversely affected our country’s sense of well-being. Consequently, there is a prevailing sense of uneasiness that looms over our culture like a dark cloud. I find myself asking, “How do people find a sense of peace and serenity, security, and confidence if they don’t know truth?”, And when I refer to truth, I am referring to what I have experienced to be The Truth!

For the first 55 years of my life, I thought I had all the answers. But the gospel of Presgrave led me to some pretty dark places. On April 21st, 2000, I came face to face with my own insufficiency. With no place else to turn, I cried out in a state of surrender: “God, I don’t know if you’re there or not, but if you are, please help me. I can’t stop drinking and drugging without you.” Today my life is characterized by peace, serenity, security, confidence and joy!

One Scripture in particular that defines my new journey is John 8:32: “Jesus said to His disciples, ‘If you follow My teachings, you will know The Truth, and The Truth will set you free.” (my caps) Notice that Jesus was very specific about what teaching He was referring to. He said “My teaching”, as opposed to worldly teaching, or eastern, western or new age philosophies. So, the next logical question should be, “What did Jesus teach?” First and foremost, He taught Kingdom principles rather than worldly principles. He taught about love, forgiveness, mercy, grace, compassion, acceptance, and humility; He taught about His Father, and He taught about being of service to our fellow man. This list can be summed up in two words: “agape love”, or self-sacrificial love. With this message in our hearts, there is no room for darkness!

We are told that God spoke all creation into existence; that He revealed Himself to His creation through His Word, and that He revealed His standard, or His Truth (the Law) to the Israelites through His Word. Jesus is also referred to as The Word incarnate, meaning He modeled The Word (The Truth) for all to see. (John 1:14 tells us, “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.”) I am writing this paragraph to make this specific point. These three words are synonymous: Jesus, Word, and Truth. They can be used interchangeably, that’s why Jesus said, “I AM the way, The Truth, and the life…”

Since the perception of truth being relative is becoming more commonplace (meaning it can change based on circumstances or situations), what solid foundation does one stand on? (Or should I say, “what can one believe in?”) Concerning God’s Word (Truth), we are told in Matthew 24: 35, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My Word will never pass away.”  Hebrews 13:8 reinforces that Scripture: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” In those two truths regarding consistency, one can find peace, serenity, confidence, security and joy.

For the future of our country, it is of utmost importance that we do not underestimate the goal of the Liberal Progressive Agenda. Its goal is to fundamentally change America. Does that sound familiar? Barack Hussein Obama, in October of 2008, clearly stated, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” And again, a few days after the election, Michelle gave more clarity to their intentions: “We are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history, and we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.” At that time, most people didn’t understand what that coded language meant, but today it is blatantly clear! “Socialism” is the latest LPA moniker, and that, My Dear Readers, is the antithesis of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” as offered by our Declaration of Independence. Their proposed transformation is a new form of government called Socialism!

Truth is the backbone of freedom, and God’s Truth was/is revealed in the Ten Commandments. Did God give those Commandments to be a kill-joy? Absolutely not! The Israelites were falling away from their previous teaching and were engaging in chaotic behavior, idol worship and debauchery. (Can you see that pattern playing out in today’s culture?) Those Commandments were to keep the people safe from the undesirable consequences that would result from lying, stealing, cheating, adultery, murder and greed. Take note that those Commandments were not only civil law, but they also revealed God’s standard for morality.

No doubt L/P thinking exalts the teaching of man over the teaching of God, because God’s Truth presents a stumbling block for advancing their latest and greatest plan for our salvation. As we are now witnessing, Liberal Progressives wrap their agenda in the deception of “it will be better for everyone” by assuring us that the central government will take care of our needs. (Isn’t that the same lie satan used in the Garden…and, oh Yes, wasn’t that the same lie that was used to promote the last government health care program?)  Hum??

So, as you can see, truth or Truth doesn’t only depend on the words, but the real truth-determining factor is, WHO said the words and their motivation. All of God’s Words (Truth) that have been revealed to us have been wrapped in love, specifically agape (self-sacrificial) love. Unfortunately, the teaching of man often falls into the self-aggrandizement category, and can be motivated by greed being manifested in the desire for wealth, power, control, position or reputation. (No doubt there are laws and truths of nature such as the law of gravity, the laws of mathematics, physics, and electricity, etc. This discussion by no means is questioning those validities.)

Let me close with this example. Jesus said to Jairus, “Don’t be afraid; trust Me!” (Mark 5:36) I can trust (or believe in) that statement because of who said it. Jesus, because of who He IS, has proven Himself, time and time again, to be truthful and faithful. But if Senator Smith, or Bernie Madoff said the same five words, I would have doubt because they have not proven themselves to be trustworthy or of good character.

(FYI: In case you might have thought that I extracted the title-line from a headline I could have seen in any newspaper on any given day, the fact is, it was Pontius Pilate’s response over 2000 years ago to Jesus’ claim that “He IS”. As we can clearly see, not grasping The Truth is by no means a recent plague.)

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May God Bless You abundantly,

Dan Presgrave (a.k.a. Pastor Dan)


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