I began my blog last week with the following prologue. “Today’s post will be a bit different from my previous posts. I feel compelled to write about something that is on my heart, and something that I know many of my readers are concerned about as well. This will be a two part series, but from a different perspective than is usually presented. This is Part 2.
I love America. I believe in America, and I hope you do too? I believe that America, even with its faults, is still the greatest country the world has ever seen. I proudly served my country. Therefore when I look at the political and moral decay that is undeniably evident at the very heart of our great nation, it saddens me. When I look around and see its insidious impact on today’s culture, it grieves me even more.
So what happened? How did we get in this current state of identity despair where good has become bad and bad has become good; where heroes have become villains and villains have become heroes? Did it start with political correctness? Did it happen because good men did nothing…or even worse, sold out to a power broker who made them “an offer they couldn’t refuse”?
Well, we can talk about “the problem”. But to be aware of it; to talk about it, yet to do nothing about it, contributes zilch, nada, zip, ZERO to alleviating “the problem.” Therefore I would like to offer some ideas that are not political, rebellious, racist or terrorist in nature, but ones that I know will begin a healing process that can change the very heart and soul of this great nation. It will be a challenge, and it will take the efforts of many like-minded Americans, but the power of this endeavor can certainly be traced through history.
I have a dream that our culture will be exposed to the truth, and the truth will set us free! The original author of that statement, Jesus Christ, was very specific. He stated in John 8:32, “If you follow my teachings, you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”
And what did Jesus teach? His message was simple, yet profound: to love God with all our heart, all our soul and all our mind; to love our neighbor as our self; forgiveness, mercy, grace and service to others. That message is the blueprint for changing the state of one’s heart. When a man’s heart is changed, the man is changed. Therefore, when the “collective heart” of a culture is changed, I believe the culture will change.”
Last week I pointed out that the common theme of the Bible is, and always has been, “Repent [change your mind]; turn from your sins and turn to God.” That message has been proclaimed throughout both the Old and New Testament, and I cited numerous scriptures to substantiate that statement including Jeremiah 18:7-10: “If I announce that a certain nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down, and destroyed, but then that nation renounces its evil ways, I will not destroy it as I had planned. But if I announce that I will build up and plant a certain nation or kingdom, making it strong and great, but then the nation turns to evil and refuses to obey me, I will not bless that nation as I had said I would.”
I also cited references from an insightful book by Jonathan Cahn, messianic Rabbi, history scholar and author of the best-seller, The Harbinger, who compares the United States and the events of 9/11/2001 to ancient Israel and the destruction of the Kingdom of Israel. The author draws undeniable parallels between the events, and presents compelling evidence that history is repeating itself. I would invite you to check out the first posting to get the background and perspective for the remainder of this blog. It can be found at meetpastordan.com/blog
I personally believe the problems our country faces today are not solvable by electing a Republican, a Democrat or an Independent candidate to any office. I believe the crux of our problems have been brewing for the past few generations and are way beyond a political solution. I also believe that the principles of Jesus’ teaching, as outlined above, have become so convoluted, so marginalized as to be virtually un-recognizable today. To support that last statement, let’s look at the anger; the hatred of other people and other ideas; the name calling; the finger pointing; the lack of personal responsibility; the lying, cheating and stealing at all levels; the vilifying of achievement and success; the increasing sense of hopelessness; the decline of honor and integrity in our leadership and our pathetic acceptance of that as, “just the way it is today” by a culture that has been both numbed and dumbed down! Then there’s the constant bombardment by the liberal/progressive agenda (one that smells a lot like socialism to me); one that calls into question the fundamental principles on which our country was founded and shrouds all moral and ethical questions with a hefty “gray area”, thus permitting the agenda to move forward by questioning the value, validity and cultural relevance of “the truth” as outlined in the opening statement.
I believe all of this points to a deeper, more sinister malady that affects our nation’s very heart and soul. In my opinion our country is MORALLY BANKRUPT and in desperate need of a spiritual transformation. Think about it. What used to be revered and held as sacred is now mocked, ridiculed and vilified. What used to be tasteless, shameful, or even down–right disgusting is now center stage and basking in the spotlight.
Is this a new problem? Is this something unique to America today? The answer is NO!
Whether looking back to the fall of the Kingdom of Israel; the fall of the Egyptian Empire, the Roman Empire, or even at the Twentieth Century fall of the Japanese Nation or the Third Reich, it is easy to see commonalities. And at the heart of every nation’s demise has always been a spiritual and moral decay of the culture. That’s why The Proclamation has never changed from Jeremiah, to Zechariah, to Jesus, to Billy Graham; “Repent! Turn from your sins and turn to God!”
As stated previously, I believe the answer to solving the problems that are plaguing our beloved country today will not be found in a political solution, a military solution or, heaven forbid, a revolution. No. I believe we need another solution; a more powerful solution that will impact the very heart and soul of this great nation. Just like the nations referenced above, when a country-even a great country like America- begins the downward spiral into the morass of spiritual decline and moral decay, the very foundation of the country becomes fractured. Values change; ethics are questioned; what once was evil has now become accepted; what once was sacred is now shamed and what once was shamed is now sacred. The unfortunate result of this scenario is the hope for America’s future begins to die away. And what’s worse…we can feel the life being sucked right out of us! So where do we look for a solution to this nightmare???
Since I believe our nation’s problem is a spiritual problem, I believe the answer will be found in a spiritual awakening. In my opinion our culture is prime for – no, even desperate for – a spiritual awakening. Therefore, wouldn’t a message of hope and truth that people can count on…or better still, stake their life on, be looked upon as a blessing? A message of love; of forgiveness – regardless of who we are or what we have done; a message of redemption and salvation; a message of compassion, mercy, grace and service to our fellow man…I can’t believe those words would not be welcomed today like water for a blazing fire. Haven’t we had enough anger, hatred, name calling, finger pointing, lying, cheating and stealing! Wasn’t our nation founded on more lofty principles and ideals? Wasn’t our nation viewed as “that shining light on a hill? Were we not a world leader and a bastion of hope for everyone when we adhered to those principles and ideals?
One undeniable truth that has existed from Creation until today is: When people (or nations) are in line with God’s will, he blesses them. When they are out of line with His will, they suffer the consequences of their decisions and actions. That is the story of people and nations throughout the Bible. Unfortunately, I believe our nation today is reaping the consequences of its decisions and actions.
The Proclamation referenced above and delivered to people and to nations throughout the Old and New Testaments has never changed. And while I believe The Proclamation contains the answer to our nation’s woes, I also know that for any message to hit its target, it must speak in a way that will have maximum impact on its target. It will have to be a new voice and a new presentation of the proclamation’s timeless truth because today’s target is a visual, digital, and sensory oriented society that is totally wrapped-up in worldly teaching and values and virtually ignorant of the truth found in John 8:32 referenced above. Will it be a challenge? Yes! Is it impossible? No…and I say No for two reasons:
- 1. I believe most of our culture is ready to hear – no desperate to hear and experience– a message of hope and truth. I believe they would be drawn to it like a moth to a flame. I believe if we can change the heart and soul of this culture, we can change this nation.
- 2. As stated in Luke 1:37, “Nothing is impossible with God!” As in Jeremiah 18: 7 referenced above, “when we turn from our evil ways and turn to His ways, he will welcome us home.” Our God is a loving, merciful, forgiving God who does not want to lose anyone.
Is a solution of this sort available now? It’s commin’! And it will resound The Proclamation in a new key…the key of RENEWED HOPE AND REBIRTH! May God bless America!!
I love Jonathan Cahn, a frequent special guest on the JIM BAKKER show. And, we all know how honorable the Brother. Bakker is. He is the typical con artist…always selling stuff. Fanatical, fundamentalist Organized RELIGION is what’s WRONG with this country.. You think YOU are infallible with regard to your unfounded statements (actually lies) about successful and unsuccessful nations, Pastor Dan. the more I read you epistles, the more I recognize how addicted you are to mankind’s contrived distortion of the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth . But, as YOUR friends have told me: “Let him go. He’sone off the edge”. And, I’m the nut-case?
As always, Daniel… I will take your input to heart.
Best wishes to ya.