First of all, that is nonsense. America was not founded on the power of prayer. Only enlightened thinking. Read your history book!
Thank you, Justus, for taking time to respond to my posting. I appreciate you taking time to do that, and it gives me an opportunity to respond to two of your statements.
First: concerning taking time to read my history book, I will respond with the following facts concerning our nation and prayer.
- In the room where our Founding Fathers were deliberating concerning the content of the Declaration of Independence, there was dissension between the parties. Benjamin Franklin, not a religious man by any stretch, reminded the parties involved that in that very same room – during our conflict with Great Britain -, many Christians came together to pray to God for Devine protection. He also noted that he believed those prayers were answered. He then suggested that each morning, before their deliberations began, they should open with prayer and ask for wisdom and guidance.
- April 30th, 1789 in St. Paul’s Chapel in the Federal Building in New York City, our first President, Geo. Washington, the Senate and the House of Representatives, bowed together in prayer to consecrate the new nation’s future into the hands of God.
- From 1795-1860s, Christian Church services were held in the Capitol Building in Washington DC. These services were attended by Presidents and elected representatives. No doubt there was a belief in Divine Providence amongst our early leadership.
Concerning your statement about “enlightened thinking”, I assume you’re talking about exalting the wisdom of man. Who can speak against the wisdom of man in its proper place. But that wisdom is the modern-day “tree of the knowledge of good and evil”, and man has shown his vulnerability to the same lie satan used at Creation: “You won’t need God; you can be your own god.” Nothing is more appealing to man that that offer. In fact, man has shown from Creation until today his inability to resist. Let me site an example of that thinking that is alive and pervasive in our society today. The Liberal Progressive Agenda. (LPA)
As I see the LPA, it is an insidious agenda wrapped in wealth, power and control. If “it” can chip, chip, chip, away at fundamental principles that are the foundation of our society, such as the Constitution; Judeo/Christian beliefs; the traditional family structure; religious freedom,; and the “sanctity of life”, “it” can weaken our current society and begin restructuring it according to a new blueprint.
- The LPA seems to be under the umbrella of a huge, bureaucratic government that believes the more “it” can make the populace dependent on government for its sustenance, the more “it” can ultimately control the populace.
- “It” believes in the distribution of wealth. Those who have earned wealth and status should be mandated to share it with those who are deemed “less fortunate” (ie. those who are recipients of the government’s “social programs”). No one is against giving a “hand up” to those in need, but unfortunately a whole new sub-culture has developed and is thriving at “beating and raping the system.” That, in fact, is encouraged by the current administration!
- “It” believes in high taxation to keep the “gravy train” coming. To use one of my mother’s favorite sayings, “If you are going to rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on the support of Paul.” So if you are a recipient of the social programs (Paul), you will vote to keep that program in place, and poor Peter (YOU), who is working hard to better yourself and your family, will be paying the bill.
- “It” professes freedom of speech, yet vilifies anyone who expresses a different opinion than the one espoused by the LPA, hence…political correctness.
- “It” professes a disdain for “Wall Street”, yet allows those who further the LPA to become billionaires at taxpayer expense, for example the “green energy industry”, the “abortion industry”, and certain members of the banking industry.
- “It” keeps people divided rather than unified, (ie. today’s racial tension fanned by such radical groups as “Black Lives Matter” and the new Black Panthers).
- “It” professes religious tolerance, yet there is an all-out war against Christianity while accommodating the requirements of Islam, such as the removal of the Bible and religious symbols from the military while providing Korans upon requested.
- And last, but not least on my list…”it” never lets a crisis go by without making political gain. Rather than me substantiating that statement, I will let Obama’s rhetoric in virtually every crisis speak for itself.
This by no means encompasses all of the LPA. In fact, it is just the tip of the iceberg. What drives the LPA is the same mindset that has contributed to the fall of every individual, civilization or nation throughout history. And that mindset has been, and is, the exaltation of human wisdom above God’s wisdom. The Bible, as well as all ancient history books, can trace this process, although one explains it in spiritual terms (ie. sin-nature or human nature vs. “in the spirit”) and the other in secular terms (greed and desire for wealth, power and control.)
In my estimation, the state of our country and our culture right now is the result of expunging God from our midst and exalting human wisdom. When that happens, here is what results: sexual immorality, impure thoughts, eagerness for lustful pleasure, idolatry, participation in demonic activities, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, divisions – the feeling that everyone is wrong except those in your group, envy, hatred, lying, cheating, stealing, despair and hopelessness. Does this sound like our culture?? (Gal. 5: 12-15)
In my opinion, the best human thinking (enlightenment?) got us in this mess, while I believe those musty old principles found in the outdated Constitution led us to a position of prominence in the world. We were, when we adhered to those principles, that shining light on a hill. I can’t help but wonder, “What would our Founding Fathers think if they could see what we have done to their dream?”
I don’t believe any D, R, or I insignia is the answer to the spiritual and moral bankruptcy of our once great country. God revealed through prophets that his Word (truth) will not change. It is timeless…hence, fundamental principles. Therefore, I’ll keep praying for God to have mercy on America.
Best wishes to you, Justus, and I’m looking forward to the STLWS concert next weekend. See ya then.
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