Good Morning, Meetpastordan Readers… I was driving home from Kansas City a few years ago when I came across a talk radio program that was announcing their next segment was to include an interview with the author of a book entitled, “Why God Has Stopped Performing Miracles”.  Needless to say, that got my attention.

As they introduced the author, (whose name I cannot remember), his credentials included leadership positions in organizations with which I am not familiar, honorary degrees, and a PhD.  In other words, he was a heralded intellectual.  But as I listened to the interview, this was the crux of his message.  God does not need to perform miracles today because the world has evolved to a point of self-sufficiency. Wozzer!  Is this Dude living is the same world I’m living in???  I couldn’t believe such intellectual drool!  My first thought was…obviously this man has never attended an AA meeting where miracles are witnessed on a daily basis.

It seems to me God never fails to show up in one of these two situations: when a miracle is needed to accomplish his purpose, or when we come to realize our own insufficiency and cry out in surrender, “God help me”. The Bible is resplendent with such examples.  For instance, when the Israelites needed a pathway to escape from the Egyptian soldiers, God parted the Red Sea to show his power and might.  And all of Jesus miracles were intended to substantiate who he was (is)…the Son of God…and to bring honor and glory to God!

Today, when there is a car crash and the car is completely destroyed and the occupant walks away unscathed, that “miracle” will somehow be used to further God’s purpose.  We might not know what it is, but God was certainly at work in that circumstance.  But why that circumstance, yet not in another?  The only answer I can rely on is Isaiah 55:8-9: “My ways are not your ways, my thoughts are not your thoughts.  As high as the heaven is above the earth, my ways are not your ways, my thoughts are not your thoughts.”  That will be a great question to ask Him when you’re standing face to face.

Quite unlike the intellectual who believe the world has “evolved to the point of being self-sufficient”, the door is open for anybody to meet God when they come to grips with their own insufficiency.  As so beautifully stated in James 4:10, “When we bow down (come in humility) before the Lord and admit our dependence on him, he will lift us up and give us honor.”  And again in Proverbs 3:34, “God mocks the proud, but exalts the humble.”  God wants us to be willing to trust him, then the condition is set for a miracle to happen, just like when Jesus said to Jarius after his servants came to tell him his daughter had died, “Don’t be afraid; just trust me.” (Mark 5: 36)  And what happened…the daughter was raised to life.

For those of us who are Christ-followers, the first miracle we experienced – and most likely unknown to us at the time – was the immediate change in identity from a sinner to a saint.  We were immediately transferred from the domain of darkness into the light.  And how did that happen?  It was in fulfillment of the famous Scripture John 3:16:  “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, so that everyone who believes (trusts) in him will not perish, but will have eternal life.”  So as you can see, belief (trust) is a key ingredient for a miracle to happen.

So what should we deduce from the above examples?  God produces miracles to fulfill his purpose. And in our case, when we pray for a miracle,  it requires humility (realizing our own insufficiency) and faith (trust) that he can and will provide.  And implied in our humility and trust is our desire to bring honor and glory to God, or our desire to become the person he created us to be.  (“masterpiece”, Ref. Ephesians 2:10)   Let me share a personal experience.

About six weeks ago I was asked by Jubilee World Ministries to conduct the Jubilee World orchestra in a gala concert that was to conclude their conference being held in St. Louis.  Jubilee World is a Christian not-for-profit corporation that carries the truth of Jesus Christ to the world through music, art and outreach ministries.  The orchestra was to be comprised of musicians from around the world that would be attending the conference, but unfortunately timing was not on our side.  Many visas were being denied to hopeful attendees…including many orchestra members.  So what became reality was the necessity to build an orchestra in a matter of three weeks.

I immediately asked three other people to help me secure orchestra members.  After a week and well over one hundred contacts, we came together and compared notes.  What we discovered was  most people were either committed to other concerts at the same time as our concert, or vacationing.  Between us we had thirteen commitments, but we needed a minimum on twenty-two.  So we continued to make another fifty plus contacts over the next few days, until we finally concluded we were out of resources.  Unfortunately our second round netted us only three more players.  Still six players shy, including a violin soloist to be featured on one piece.

Two weeks ago I wrote in much more detail about the background of this “miracle-in-the-works” in a blog entitled “Living in the Spirit”. I don’t want to repeat all the details here, but I can refer you to  I think you will find the background both intriguing and entertaining.

Once I was out of resources and completely dependent on God, I prayed with gusto, quoting the Scriptures back to him on which I was standing. Your Word says, “you will never leave me or forsake me”. (Deuteronomy 31:6)  Your Word says, “If I seek first the Kingdom of Heaven, all these things will be added”. (Matthew 6:33)  Your Word says, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13) Your Word says, “You work for the good in all things for those who love you and are called to your purpose.” (Romans 8:28)  Etc…  And as a result, it seemed like each day I would get a call from someone who would say, “I know earlier you called and I said I would be on vacation at that time, but now we will be back earlier, so I can play.”  Or, “So and so told me you were looking for a violist for a concert…”

The day before our rehearsal for this concert, I went up to the headquarters to meet a young lady from San Francisco.  The only vacancy we had not filled was the solo violin position, and without that position filled, I would have to cancel one of our pieces.

So I met Emily.  I smiled at her and asked, “What instrument do you play?”  “Violin”, she replied.  “Tell me about your playing”, I asked.  “I just finished my master’s degree in violin performance at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music,” she replied.    🙂

The concert was this past Saturday night, and it was magnificent…and nothing short of a miracle. And what were the key ingredients:  my insufficiency; my trust in him; and an event that was to bring honor and glory to God!  But that is who he IS and that’s what he DOES!  Not only does he show up, but sometimes he shows off.  What an awesome, faithful God we serve!  He is indeed true to his Word and his promises.

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May God Bless Ya…

Dan Presgrave (a.k.a. Pastor Dan)

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