Last week I enjoyed writing about the importance of knowing what we believe. In my opinion we can’t have faith (or trust, or belief) in something unless we have experienced the truth (or reality) of our faith being manifested in our lives. In other words, suppose you feel the need to install a burglar alarm in your house. You take time to research it; you read all the reviews and buy what you conclude is the very best burglar alarm on the market; you install it, and immediately you feel safer. The only question that still remains is…does it really work? But once the alarm goes off and a police arrive and arrest a would-be intruder before he can enter your house, now you know. Now you’re a believer! In fact, you’re so thrilled you’re telling all your family and friends why they should buy the very same alarm system.
The definition of faith is found in Hebrews 11:1: “Faith is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen.” This week I want to extend last week’s topic by asking a new question: can you stand firm in your faith? And I believe the only way that can happen is to have absolute confidence in your object of faith. And since our faith is in Jesus Christ, we know he is “the visible image of the invisible God” (Colossians 1:15); he is the Word (truth) incarnate (John 1:14); he is our source of peace and serenity (Matthew 11:28); he is the source of our strength (John 15:5) and he is with us always…even until the end of the Age.”
Since we are living in such a crazy world that seems to be spinning out of control at an alarming rate, I believe that in the days ahead our faith will be the only thing we can count on to sustain us. But the good news for all Christ-followers is this: regardless of what happens up ahead, in the end we will all be victorious because we have already been promised eternal life in Paradise with God, Jesus Christ and all other Christ-followers.
Jesus never diluted the truth about what it would take to be his follower. He was very clear in John 15:21 when he stated: “the people of the world will hate you because you belong to me.” Paul later reinforced that statement in 2 Corinthians 12:10 when he told us that “we would have to contend with insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities” should we choose to follow Jesus Christ. But the good news for us is found in Matthew 24:13, “But those who endure to the end will be saved”. But we must never forget the flip-side of that same coin as presented in 2 Timothy 2:12: “if we deny him, He will deny us.”
This is why our faith in Jesus Christ has to be rock-solid. It is entirely possible that in our lifetime we may have to profess our faith in Jesus Christ while at the same time declining to accept the “mark of the beast” as described in Revelation 13. The beast is the devil’s emissary(ies) on earth. We are told in verse 2,6-8 “…the dragon (satan) gave the beast his own power, throne and great authority. He spoke terrible words of blasphemy against God, slandering his name and all who live in heaven, who are his temple. And the beast was allowed to wage war against God’s holy people…and was given authority to rule over every tribe and people and language and nation. And all the people who belong to this world worship the beast. They are the ones whose names are not written in the Book of Life.”
I mention this because as I look at the world around me, especially in the Middle East, I see a concerted attempt to persecute Christians in a most horrific manner…and seemingly with impunity. It is a political/religious movement, which I will call evil personified, that is growing in number and in strength day by day. And the sad reality is…the enemy is becoming more emboldened without the leadership of the United States to lead the resistance against such a formidable foe. That statement is a particularly sad commentary on this great country, because we were once the hope of the oppressed and light to the world as we stood against tyranny more than once that threatened to engulf the earth.
So when we look at the chaos that exists in the world today, and then if we take time to examine the contributors to the fall of great civilizations, we will find that the effort to expunge God from the culture and the moral decay that inevitably results is always one of the major contributors. Then when we compare that to what is happening in our culture today, coupled with the quickening of both man-made and natural disasters that are occurring throughout the world, it does give reason for some people to speculate that perhaps we are in the “end times.” Therefore, since the Bible is a treasure trove of future predictions with incredible accuracy, let us look to see what it says about the “end times”, meaning the second coming of Christ. Therefore it seems fitting to begin with the ascension of Jesus as recorded in Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:10-11.
Jesus said: “Therefore go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” As the disciples were straining their eyes to see Him in the clouds, “two white-robed men suddenly stood among them and said, ‘Men of Galilee, why are you standing here staring at the sky? Jesus has been taken away from you into heaven. And someday, just as you saw him go, he will return!” Jesus is with us now and will be until the end of this age as the indwelling Holy Spirit. But this age will end with the triumphant second coming of the Son of Man “arriving on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he will send forth his angels with the sound of a mighty trumpet blast, and they will gather together his chosen ones from the farthest ends of the earth and heaven.” (Matthew 24: 30-31) No one knows the exact day or hour of this event – not the angels in heaven, nor even the Son. But he will come “as unexpectedly as a thief in the night”. (2 Peter 3:10) So His charge to us as Christ-followers is to be ready.
The first coming of Jesus Christ was to take away the sins of the world. His second coming “is not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are eagerly waiting for him.” (Hebrews 9:10) Apostle Paul tells us in 1Thessalonians 4: 15-18: “I can tell you this directly from the Lord…first, all the Christians who have died will rise from their graves. Then together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. So comfort and encourage each other with these words.” And again in 1 Corinthians15; 51-53 Paul tells us: “…we will all be transformed. It will happen in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye…for our perishable earthly bodies must be transformed into heavenly bodies that will never die.” This confirms the truth of verse 55, “Oh death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting? No more arthritis, paralysis, cancer; no more pain and suffering. Shut down the hospitals and close up the funeral homes. Christ has come!
The same promise Jesus made to his Disciples in John 14:1-3 is our promise today: “Don’t be troubled. You trust God, now trust in me. There are many rooms in my Father’s home, and I am going to prepare a place for you. When everything is ready, I will come and get you so that you will always be with me where I am.” Jesus made it very clear that he would come for us and take us to our eternal home.
The resurrection of the righteous marks the beginning of the thousand year reign of Jesus. This is when the saints engage in the work of judgement with Jesus Christ, judging “evil angels and the wicked.” (1 Corinthians 6:2-3) At the end of the millennium is the resurrection for the ungodly, the total defeat of satan and sin, and the establishment of the New Jerusalem.
So regardless of how crazy our world gets or how frightening our future looks, as Christ-followers we get our strength from who we are in Jesus Christ. We know we have nothing to fear. Even though it appears that our faith is being assaulted on many fronts; and even though there are false prophets right now who are suggesting that God’s Word should be modified to be embrace other faiths, or restated to be more “culturally relevant”, our confidence is firmly rooted in Matthew 24:35: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will last forever.” Instead of bowing down to the beast, we have the power of the Holy Spirit in us to help us rise above this fallen world to become the “masterpiece” referenced in Ephesians 2:10: “We have become God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
So my question to you today is, “Can you absolutely stand firm in your faith?”
May God Bless Ya…and please feel free to respond to this post, and please share this with your social media friends.
Dan Presgrave (a.k.a. Pastor Dan) H
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