Good Morning, Meetpastordan Readers… I first want to apologize for missing you all last week. Pam and I planned for a short get-away after the hustled and bustle of Christmas, so we treated ourselves to two (hoped-to-be) revitalizing days at the Resort and Spa at Safety Harbor. I intended to take my computer with me, because I was looking forward settling in and writing. I finally had zeroed in on a new approach for my next few (or perhaps quite a few) blogs, but alas, I forgot my computer. But as it turned out, shortly after we arrived, I was plagued with a sore throat, followed by a terrible cough, then flu-like symptoms, including a fever. That cut our stay short, so when we got home, I went straight to Bay Care Urgent Care because I felt particularly miserable. This led to a Covid-19 test with directions to quarantine until I got the results. That sounded good to me, because I was still feeling yucky, and my inspiration to write had certainly waned. But here is the good news in the midst of my trip down misery lane: I’m feeling human again, and this morning’s Covid-19 results were negative.
Happy belated New Year to each and every one of you! Isn’t it wonderful to have a new beginning? January 1, 2021 represented the beginning of a new era, and just the thought of being able to start over with a clean slate is an inspiration for all. For many, it’s about making a New Year’s resolution to visit the gym regularly; for others, it’s about changing eating, drinking, gambling, or shopping habits. In our mind we can see a new person – a thinner, healthier person, who has faced some serious demons and won the battle. But unfortunately, the statistics to support our new effort aren’t encouraging. Depending on where you look, by January 14th, the drop off rate is anywhere from 20%-31%; by January 21st, 32%-56%; and by January 28th, 57%-86%. So, what’s the problem? Everyone wants a second, a sixth, or possibly even a twelfth chance at a new life, right? But the truth is…IT’S REALLY HARD!
From a worldly perspective, there is a plethora of self-help books and methods to enhance our ability to become the person we want to be. We hear about breathing exercises, yoga, focus groups, the power of positive thinking, and we’re even encouraged to tap into the universal consciousness (whatever that is) to help us reach our full potential. But from the beginning of time, mankind has wrestled with the inability to rise above “self”, because human nature is drawn to things that gives pleasure, things that exalt, or things that titillate our emotions – whether they are good for us or not. I would like to propose that, contrary to worldly thinking, becoming aware of our own insufficiency is the first step in the process of becoming the people we were created to be.
In my previous life, which I like to refer to as my BS period (before sobriety, or it could also be, before salvation), I was always searching for “that something” to flip my switch. I became a workaholic. I turned to achievements and accomplishments, to alcohol and drugs, to women, cars, and to more and more material things. Truth be told, they all worked for a while, but eventually I had to keep going “back to the well” to get that elusive “fix”. Unfortunately, that “thing” I was looking for was always just beyond my reach, so I tried harder, more often, and was willing to do whatever I had to do to get what I wanted. That mindset and behavior set up my downfall in April of 2000.
Thankfully, my BS period is behind me, and today, my identity is in Christ. While the previous New Year’s resolutions that were tackled by my “old self” were defined by frustration and defeat, My resolution this year is the same as it has been for the past few years: “Holy Spirit, help me to seek first the Kingdom of Heaven, and help me to get out of the way so You can work through me.” My self-help book today is not a book filled with worldly perspectives, but a Book filled with God’s perspective. In this Book, I have found everything I need for becoming the Masterpiece referenced in Ephesians 2:10. When I’m immersed in that zone, I have the confidence, joy, peace and serenity that I always wanted, but here-to-fore had been looking in all the wrong places.
Good news is found in Romans 12:2-3: “Do not conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by changing the way you think. Then you will know how good, pleasing and perfect God’s will really is for your life.” The topic from my AA meeting this morning was “A New Beginning”, and the testimonies regarding each of our transformations was nothing short of staggering. And virtually everyone credited God and His loving kindness for their successful journey. I love that because it brings to life the truth found in Jeremiah 29:13: “If you seek Me, you will find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.” No doubt, God meets each one of His broken creations when we call on His name. That is the humility that is referenced in James 4:10: “When we come humbly before the Lord and admit our dependence on Him, He will lift us up and give us honor.”
So far, I have apologized for missing last week, then I wished you a happy belated New Year and confirmed that it is indeed hard to keep New Year’s resolutions. But what I really want to introduce here is what I believe is the direction the Holy Spirit is prompting me to go. This is the answer to many months of praying and asking for clarity.
As I have been saying for quite some time, I believe that our culture is spiritually and morally bankrupt. I’ve also pointed out, during the past few years, the preponderance of evil and corruption that has become tolerated as “just the way it is today.” Now couple that with the development of a new derangement syndrome that is rooted in anger, hatred, violence, and jealousy that is tearing our country apart, and you have the backdrop as we usher in a “clean slate” called 2021!
We’re all looking for a new beginning, so what is your idea of how to bring that about? If you had the leader’s ear, what would you tell him (her)? How do we start to change the mess that we find our country in right now? Well, let’s begin by not forgetting Einstein’s insightful words: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking that was used to create the problems.” (Let me now refer you back four paragraphs to the truth found in Romans 12:2-3) I propose that a new government is not the answer; I propose that adding more laws is not the answer; and I propose that erasing and rewriting history is not the answer. My proclamation is this: “We have drifted away from, marginalized, and ridiculed The Truth of God’s Word, and we have exalted human knowledge and philosophies as our idols of worship. I believe that our country is in the mess it is in, because what we are seeing is Man’s best effort at playing God. Unfortunately, people are fallible, and subject to yielding to “self-indulgence.”
The Bible has been very clear, through ancient prophecies, through the teachings of Jesus, His disciples, and Apostle Paul, that Jesus WILL come again. We just celebrated His humble birth in a manger. But when He comes again, He will not be the lowly Baby in a manger. No indeed! He will come as a roaring Lion to judge the world. Those who are in His family WILL be saved. All others will perish. That very truth is what has been bothering me. It breaks my heart to think that so many people will perish because they just don’t know The Truth.
I believe we are in the end times, because there are so many signs that indicate that. Therefore, I believe I have been directed to write specifically about The Truth of God’s Word, and why we can stake our lives on it? Then I’ll connect the dots of Truth that connect God, Jesus and Man. And finally, I will be sure the Gospel of Grace is presented in every blog. My prayer is that these blogs will be shared with unbelievers. I encourage questions; I love questions! I know that before I could have accepted The Truth, I had to get answers to my stumbling blocks. My desire is to share this Truth, in all of its magnificent splendor, with unbelievers. I hope you will join me in this endeavor.
May God Bless You abundantly in 2021,
Dan Presgrave (a.k.a. Pastor Dan)
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