Good Day, Readers: Following last week’s blog entitled “Ferguson – Our Time for Action”, I said I would follow up with you on ways in which we might become involved in serving the innocent victims of Ferguson. I began by looking at organizations that were already set-up to coordinate such activities and ways we might plug into what they were already doing, but that proved to be much more difficult than I had thought. I got various leads, and we tried to follow up on all leads, but many did not do what I had in mind – which was to ask the business owners “how we could be of assistance to them?” or “what do you need?” Then a few leads never returned my inquiry.
Midway through the week, I found myself pulled in a completely different direction, thinking of what we might do to help heal the wounds of all the residents of Florissant. After talking with a friend of mine who is in the Clergy in Ferguson, we decided to focus on a Christmas gift to the City of Ferguson. We are now in the planning stages for such an event. While there are still loose ends, the target date is Sunday, December 21st. The event is to be a surprise, so I don’t want to divulge any more information at this time. But as things get solidified, I will provide more details and ways you might become involved.
The whole purpose of my blog on December 1st was to find –or make – an opportunity to show the face of love and compassion to the people of Ferguson. That has not changed. Please continue praying for peace and healing in Ferguson, Mo.
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